Thanks for visiting the site, feel free to click around and find out a bit more about me.
I was born in Ridgewood, New Jersey, raised in Oakville, Ontario, but have called Toronto home for the last 10 years. I have the best job in the world - talking about sports every night! For the past decade I have been working at Sportsnet anchoring various shows and covering the top stories of the day. A career in sports television however was not part of the initial plan.
I graduated with a Civil Engineering degree from Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario. I even worked in the industry for several years after leaving school. However it became very clear to me at 24-years-old that I was ready to pursue a new opportunity in broadcasting.
After completing a Seneca College broadcasting diploma, I worked on-air at JACK-FM radio station in Orillia, Ontario and then made the leap into television at KYMA in Yuma, Arizona. While working on the morning show, Sunrise I covered everything from border issues, to plane crashes to Friday night football.
In 2007, I returned home and began working for Sportsnet. My first day was April Fools. No kidding. Over the past decade I have sat in the anchor chair and had a first look at the biggest sports stories in the country. Some of my favourite moments on the job include the Blue Jays return to the playoffs in 2015, the 2010 Vancouver Olympics and reporting court side at the Rogers Cup.
My passion for sports comes in part from growing up in one of the most exciting times for a Toronto sports fan. The Blue Jays were winning divisions and World Series and the Maple Leafs were playoff regulars. Little did I know this success would not last! As the youngest of three children, I spent most of my childhood keeping up with my sister and brother. From tennis, to field hockey, running and ultimate frisbee, no sport was off limits. Even family vacation revolved around attending and visiting sporting events.
2017 is going to be a big year for my husband, Adam and me. We're welcoming our first child to the world. Hopefully the little one will get to witness some Toronto sports magic!
You can catch me every night nationally on Sportsnet Central. Along with my co-anchor, Ken Reid we deliver a fresh take on the daily sports news.